The opening track is a bootleg recording of the Elvis impersonator fronted British Nirvana tribute act, Elvana. Enjoy.

Today's guest is writer and conspiracy theorist aficionado Robert Skvaria. He helps us parse out the difference in approach between right-wing (bullshit) and left-wing (mostly true) conspiracies. We talk about Alex Jones, the CIA, FBI, and how religion both factors into different conspiracies and can be victimized by political conspiracies. It occurs to me now that we failed to ask him about Elvis. Maybe next time.

You can find Robert's writing on his blog, or you can follow him on Twitter @RobertSkvarlia, where he's much more prolific.

If you want to watch all 10 minutes of Alex Jones's stand up routine and the ensuing 20 minutes of Doug Stanhope trying to control the audience, you can watch the Incident In Austin bootleg on YouTube.

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