We talked to Christian about a month ago about this book, The Carpenter's Son: A Proletarian Reconstruction of the Jesus of Nazareth. Afterward we talked for another 45 minutes about a bunch of bullshit, as we generally do. So, we've started recording that, cause, why not.

The episode starts off where the last left off, with Jennifer and Christian's thoughts on the future of leftism in Christianity, but then we just start talking about pizza and cheese steaks and buying cigarettes in Indiana. We had fun. I hope you have fun. Was your day ok? My life is falling apart, which is why these take so long to come out. But I had fun thinking up more secular songs about Jesus to throw on the beginning and end.

Ok thanks, ttyl. If you or anyone you know would make a good guest, reach out to me (@thedeathsiren) or Jennifer (@notreallyjcm) and let us know.