Welcome to the first installment of a series of interviews Sara Century and I are doing with different women, queer, LGBT, and POC artists about working during a Trump administration. Each week we will be talking to different artists that we know and/or respect about how they are processing the current state of our nation and how they plan to proceed with their work. This isn't a call to "Make Punk Great Again," these are conversations with real artists about how they plan to approach the real challenges they face. We'll be doing this through inauguration day at the least, so we hope you'll continue to join us! If you know anyone we should talk to, or there is anyone that you would personally like to talk to, feel free to submit names, suggestions, or your own recorded interviews to [email protected]. Also, feel free to leave us a voicemail with your own thoughts and feelings at 260-PUNK-POD (260-786-5763). This week Sara Century speaks to comic book critic Emma Houxbois and I speak to illustrator and comic book artist Kayla Miller! Subscribe or check out the blog for info about next week!