This is Part 2 of 2 of Laura Squirrel’s Night at the 5th. Once again I asked her if she could do a brief write up about what these episodes are and this is what she sent me this time:

This week on "Undressing Underground", Laura Squirrel presents interview, studio material and live stuff from Ohio Grindcore artists, Drogheda and Florida Death/Thrash artists, Hellwitch. She also promotes the upcoming Kitmas Fest in Cincinnati, OH, at the Rake's End on Saturday 12/12/15. Check out "Kitmas, Vol 2", buy a copy and support a worthy cause. If you don't, Kathy Cat will kick your ass for being a selfish bitch.Enjoy!

This is my last interview based episode for the year and Kittens's chat with Digbette on Friday will be hers. We're both planning on Christmas music episodes, though, so subscribe in order to get those! Also so you know when we're back!

So, yeah, subscribe! And support our guests! And us! We're on Paypal and Patreon!