What are the biggest keys to creating a successful website for your business that allows customers to find you, engage with you, and ultimately buy from you again and again?

Over the last decade John Aikin and team have been a part of thousands of website projects and have seen consistent trends in what makes a successful website… successful.

And here’s the absolute truth: What most people think makes a website convert well is almost completely irrelevant.

In fact, most people either:

Think great websites require a lot of money. (false) or,

Think producing a ton of content is required to make the website perform well. (false)

In reality there are just 6 primary components to a successful website, regardless of its size, how much it cost to build it, or how much content it has.

In this episode, John Aikin dives into the core elements of a successful website and breaks down:

👉🏽  How your platform plays a significant role in the overall success of your website

👉🏽  Why positioning is the most important factor for converting visitors into leads

👉🏽  What smart design features can do for overall conversion

👉🏽  How smart nurturing after form submission is an often overlooked but critical piece to the puzzle

👉🏽  Why the focus of SEO is generally misplaced attention

👉🏽  And what an emphasis on ongoing conversion rate optimization will do for your website’s ability to outperform your competitors and put calls consistently on your calendar week after week

The 6 categories framework will help make your website convert. You can make these changes without needing to hire a developer or investing extensively into resources. Use this framework as a starting point of your roadmap to a successful website.

View The Website Conversion Framework Graphic Here: https://www.webcanopystudio.com/blog/6-keys-to-a-high-converting-website


Get A Free Website Report Today

Are you frustrated with your website’s performance? Is it a clearly outdated thorn in your side? Do you wish you could actually use your website as the #1 sales tool for your business and consistently put high-quality leads on your calendar for calls and demos?

If you want a customized action plan for how you can actually achieve all of this, then you need to take our free Website Conversion Assessment at https://www.webcanopystudio.com/assessment

It only takes roughly 10 minutes of your time. Answer 30 questions on this self-guided assessment, and instantly get your report delivered.

When you fill out this assessment, you will receive a personalized report which includes:

✅  Individual evaluations for how your website performs in each of the 6 key areas of the Website Conversion Framework

✅  Detailed descriptions of the areas you should focus on and why they are critical to your company’s success

✅  A checklist for each area of focus that shows you exactly what you need to do to fix your website in a step-by-step format
Additional resources to help your website perform better

And the best part?

You don't need to hire developers or designers to make these changes! The majority of what we're providing you in this assessment are things that you can address on your own without relying on coding or special tech requests.

Get your free self-guided assessment and see how your website fares today!
