This week I have a new writing schedule that I sorta kinda actually stick to. Sometimes. I’m also working on my writing portfolio, including writing completely new pieces to replace others that seemed good enough even two months ago, which...

This week I have a new writing schedule that I sorta kinda actually stick to. Sometimes. I’m also working on my writing portfolio, including writing completely new pieces to replace others that seemed good enough even two months ago, which leads to a short tangent about how I was an asshole when I was at UBC 20 years ago and the shy born-again who used to hang around offering me candy.

I also bitch about snow and squirrels, Facebook, and getting conked on the nose by a glockenspiel.

In other news, talking about Van Halen’s album 1984 leads to a tangent about bad CanCon TV and David Mamet’s play ‘7 Stories.’

Also: Jeep pulls an ad after Bruce Springsteen pulls a DWI.