While podcasting is becoming more and more popular, show hosts are scrambling to learn how to make their show stand out among the noise. This week we brought back my friend, the Underdog Entrepreneur himself, Zachary Babock to learn how to stand OUT in podcasting.

You may remember him from episode 118 (Listen Here: http://heatherparady.com/episode118) where he shares his story about growing up in addiction, spending time in prison, and then overcoming all odds by becoming a successful entrepreneur and podcast host. Today, we dive into how he has used his story through the podcasting platform to not only grow his business but make an impact.

Zachary says that although no one wanted to collaborate with him in the beginning and he was an “ex-convict turned entrepreneur afterthought” within a few weeks he was able to rank his show as a top 200 podcast and interview celebrities in his field which gave him the leverage that he needed to build his brand. 

We talk about how to become a master in your field, why being yourself is critical, and what every podcaster needs to do to get noticed. 



The four Ws of long-term podcasting success. Why it's important to be yourself while building your brand. How to rank your podcast.

Connect with Zachary:

Website: https://underdogempowerment.com/ Podcast: https://underdogempowerment.com/podcasts/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCduWjPUUKaziMBZy33e2LOQ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/winwithzachb/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zacharyjbabcock/?hl=en





Want to Start a Podcast? Apply for our Mastermind: https://www.heatherparady.com/podcastmastermind/



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Connect with Heather:

◼️ Website: http://heatherparady.com

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◼️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heatherparady