“The fight is a part of the growth.”

How do we strive for excellence in our work without falling into the trap of perfection? How do we make space for creativity and trust the process all while dealing with the demands of work and life? Today we are connecting with my friend Bruce Pulver, who shares with us why he believes, right now, UR-ENUF.


Connect with Bruce: http://abovethechatterourwordsmatter.com/


TED Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcRcr8m_WPc



Pursuing creativity, while having a job and raising a family How do you know if something is an assignment? Detaching from outcome (trusting the process) Learning “enoughness” within yourself and addressing inadequacy Keeping promises to yourself in order to build confidence



Bruce Pulver is a highly sought-after international TEDx speaker and author. What started out as a single word of inspiration after a life-changing "BAM Moment" has grown to so much more… from writing an inspirational book, delivering an empowering TEDx and launching the massively successful “WORDshop” program that teaches high performing executives and organizations skills to maximize results by leveraging the power of their words.

Bruce is also a seasoned sales executive who has earned multiple sales performance awards and driven over $100M in new sales during his career. His best-selling book, “Above the Chatter, Our Words Matter: Powerful Words That Changed My Life Forever” is the foundation for his captivating keynotes and innovative “WORD-shop” programs. His woHis work delivers an immediate and lasting impact on the lives he touches. 



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