With the surge of online businesses, comes the demand for credit card payment solutions. New online business owners, who are rushing to accept credit card payments, tend to use Stripe or PayPal because they are easy to set up. So what could go wrong? But it’s not a good idea to rely heavily on either Stripe or PayPal, if you hope to have uninterrupted business operations. 

Stripe tends to freeze or restrict business transactions without warning. And there’s no point arguing or fighting with them about it. Instead, it’s best to make sure you always have a backup plan, and you educate yourself. So tune in to today’s episode to get some tips to help you move forward in the event Stripe restricts your business. 

“Just because your business is restricted doesn’t mean you’re doing anything unethical or anything wrong. It just falls outside the risk appetite of Stripe.” - Maria Sparagis

Connect with Maria:

Maria Sparagis Website: http://mariasparagis.com

DirectPayNet Website: https://directpaynet.com

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