Listen up: we've got a new way to approach affiliate marketing. Amber Spears is an expert on the topic, and she has some advice that can help YOU make 25% more money.

As the founder of East 5th Avenue, Amber knows what it takes to build a successful affiliate partner program. Today, we want to share the top tips she's given us.

You can watch the full-length episode here: 

First, let's talk about what affiliate partnership even means. Affiliate marketing is where you pay people to promote your products or services on their own websites or social media channels. If they do well promoting those products or services, they get paid. It's a win-win!

Now, if you're already doing affiliate marketing, that's great! But there are so many ways you can improve your program so that it makes even more money for both of you. And that starts by asking yourself one simple question: what would it take to do 25% more business with your top affiliate partners?

The answer might be as simple as giving them custom assets like landing pages and copy that perfectly fits their audience—or as complex as integrating with podcast material, social media posts, and newsletters. The point is: don't settle for mediocrity when there's so much potential for greatness. With bigger commitment comes bigger profits, and that's what gets you 25% more.


00:00 Not All Traffic Is Good Traffic

01:01 Tight Deals with Your Affiliate Partners

02:32 Make an EOY Review with Your Top Affiliate Partners

04:42 Map Out The Year with Your Partners

05:36 More Money Isn't Always the Answer


Connect with Amber:

Amber Spears Website:

East 5th Avenue Website:

Email Amber: [email protected] 

Email Mike (Amber's Assistant): [email protected]

Connect with Maria:

Maria Sparagis Website:

DirectPayNet Website:





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