“Why are the rich rich and the poor poor? It’s because the rich can leverage their time with the poor.”


On this episode of Uncensored Direct Marketing, we have the pleasure of interviewing Alen Sultanic, a multimillion-dollar marketing expert whose 20 years of experience in direct response are evident in the successful campaigns he has created. Alen has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with us and our listeners. 


Alen doesn't hold back when it comes to giving you hard information—fitting as his mastermind group is titled Nothing Held Back. He shares insight into some of the most important and current aspects of working in direct response, how to achieve financial freedom, why passive income is the only path to a quality lifestyle, and how to level-up your sales skills.


Should copywriters be afraid of AI writing assistants?

How do you know if you're hiring the right person for your team?

What does it really take to get started as an offer owner?

Who should you learn from?


His answers are guaranteed to surprise you. So forget everything you think you know about direct response and get ready to feed your brain with fresh facts that will take your career to the next level.


This episode is a long one, but every second is filled with pieces that will keep you craving more. And if that's the case, join his group Nothing Held Back: https://www.facebook.com/NothingHeldBack/ 


If you found value in this episode, please like, subscribe, and share!


Connect with Maria:

Maria Sparagis Website: http://mariasparagis.com

DirectPayNet Website: https://directpaynet.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariasparagis/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mariasparagis.directpaynet

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/directpaynet_paymentsolutions/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/directpaynet

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