Are you ready to become a top-notch copywriter but don't know what you're doing wrong? Stefan has the answers.

We talked to Stefan Georgi, an expert copywriter, about how he got started and what he learned along the way. His advice may be harsh, but it's exactly what you need to kickstart your career.

Niche, niche, niche. We’re always talking about niches, but Stefan says you shouldn’t focus on just one—especially when you’re just starting out. Why limit yourself? Explore the industries, find your footing, and narrow down once you get experience.

You don’t deserve anything! Expecting to be paid more because you’ve been working for a few years is BS. How many wins do you have? What’s value are you providing? Have you improved? Thinking you deserve more will get you nowhere.

If a client asks for 3 articles, send a 4th. If they ask for 10 emails, send 12. Don’t be afraid to overdeliver. Becoming an expert copywriter requires experience and the knowledge that you are a service provider. The best way into your client’s wallet is providing more.

These are just 3 tips to utilize on your journey to becoming an expert copywriter. Hear more from Stefan in our full interview:


00:00 Should You Diversify, or Stick to a Niche?

02:17 You Aren't Owed Anything

04:39 You're a Service Business—Start Over-Delivering


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