What is the one main key point you need to share with the audience of men today on this show? (we only have 30 minutes): Don't Jobify your Passion...

Share examples of questions you like to be asked about this topic: Can you give an example of this in your life? Are there other examples of passions you have that you would not want to do as a job?

Share Your Bio Here:

VP of Sales for TriageNow - been with company since inception. Client list includes Liberty Mutual, General Mills, Goodyear Tire, American Red Cross

ASU Racquetball Coach - 14 years and counting, 1 Natl Championship, 12 top ten finishes for Women's team, 36 Collegiate All Americans, 2x Collegiate Coach of the Year awards to my credit.

Former Top 20 Pro Racquetball Player

What links would you like to share with the audience? Ex: Web, email, LinkedIn, etc:


Darrin Chatter in LinkedIn, darrinchatter on other social media