Mindfulness teacher, athletic trainer, and holistic health coach who helps men feeling dissatisfied with their bodies develop the confidence and skills to show up at their best.

What is the one main key point you need to share with the audience of men today on this show? (we only have 30 minutes)

Your body is a mirror to your internal landscape.Through improving your physical wellbeing, you open the door to strengthening your mental and emotional health with compassion and integrity.A healthy body is a byproduct of achieving alignment in all aspects of your life.

We need to trust our body so we can rely upon it to do what we want to do.

Share examples of questions you like to be asked about this topic

How do you define health?What does your body say about your emotional health?Where do men get their beliefs about what is an acceptable body?How can meal work with shame and low self-confidence around their body?Why does it mean to take an inside-out approach to fitness?How the hell can we learn to love our body?

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