Episode 37: Running a Leveraged Solo Practice from Home: Hiring Staff and Delegating Tasks, Adaptive Payment Options, and Enrolling Clients Over the Phone

Lisa Brown began working with Unbundled Attorney less than two years ago. During this time, she transitioned from handling 100% of her practice alone to hiring a team of trained and competent staff to support her. Today Lisa walks us through her procedure for successfully hiring and training new staff members, including what tasks you should delegate and which ones you should not. Lisa often works from home and she has developed systems that enable her to enroll the majority of her new leads over the phone, without the need for office appointments. She explains what these systems are, as well her unique approach to the first phone consultation with each lead.

To read the complete transcript from this interview, click here.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

How to find a balance between family and business if you work from home
The steps for hiring support staff, including which task you should delegate first
When to hire a full-time secretary, and an effective training program to avoid losing clients in the process
The most important considerations while training staff members to call leads when you are unavailable
The monthly payment plan options she offers her clients, and how she communicates fee structures to the rest of her team
The core strategies that enable Lisa to enroll at least ½ of her leads right over the phone
How to detach from the results of each call, so you can apply your complete focus towards serving each client
The creative unbundled options Lisa offers, and how she adapts these options to the needs of each client
The typical retainer fees she quotes, as well as pricing for each unbundled option and different payment plans she makes available to her clients
The pluses and minuses of quoting flat fees
The technology and processes behind enrolling clients over the phone, including online practice management and billing tools
How to ensure each client feels cared about and their case is important, especially when you are handling a high volume of cases
Lome tips and tricks for tracking each case, and keeping your entire team updated every step of the way
And much more…

Resources Mentioned in this Episode


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For more information about Unbundled Attorney and how our Lead Generation services help grow your practice, visit: https://www.unbundledattorney.com