Episode 53: How to Instill Confidence, Trust and Loyalty With Your Immigration Clients in a Political Climate Characterized by Fear and Uncertainty

When you hear Charles Lee discuss his immigration practice, it becomes abundantly clear that he takes his role as an attorney and advocate for his immigration clients very seriously. Recent changes in our immigration laws and the political climate created by a new administration have introduced a great deal of fear and uncertainty in the hearts and minds of immigrants in the United States. Today Charles joins the show and talks about how he has successfully adapted his practice to overcome these challenges. He also shares some of the beliefs and values that have become the foundation of his practice, and how he communicates them to his clients to win their confidence and trust. We also discuss the legal technology and flexible payment options that enable him to make his services more affordable and profitable.

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In this episode, you’ll learn:

What Pre-Paid legal plans are and what Charles learned from his experience as a plan-provider attorney
The importance of being completely honest and transparent with clients, especially in immigration law
The increased amount of fear and uncertainty that immigrants in the United States have as a result of the new administration and how Charles communicates with clients to alleviate these fears and build their confidence and trust
How to advise your clients about unlicensed legal service providers to prevent them from being taken advantage of
Charles’ thoughts about how vulnerable many immigration clients are and why immigration lawyers have a greater responsibility to be rigorously honest and thorough
How to serve clients in regions that are more distant from your office by “batching” appointments and using other creative and adaptive scheduling strategies
The process Charles implemented to prevent clients from flaking on appointments
The email setup he uses so he is notified in real time and in multiple ways whenever he receives a new lead, because as Charles says, “redundancy is security”
How to find a balance between letting clients talk and be heard while at the same time keeping the conversation relevant and pertinent during the initial consultation
A breakdown of the flat rate and flexible payment options he offers clients
The legal technology Charles uses that enables the client to handle some of the data entry work themselves, which helps him lower costs and increase his profitability
How he leverages an automated payment solution to reduce the administrative time involved in processing credit card payments
Some cautionary advice about relying too heavily on legal tech software, and the importance of always double checking and reviewing your work
Changes in forms, laws and procedures because of the new presidency, and how Charles has adapted his practice accordingly
Why he believes immigration attorneys must be strong advocates for their clients during this ever changing and uncertain political climate
And much more…

Resources Mentioned in This Episode

Unbundled Attorney YouTube Channel
Unbundled Attorney Mastermind Podcast Episode 16 with Tera Lee: Proven Sales Strategies to Convert More Leads and Eliminate No-Shows
INS Zoom
Immigration Pro

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