Episode 35: How to Compete in the DIY Internet Age: A Practical, Step-by-Step Guide to Delivering Unbundled Legal Services Efficiently and Profitably in Your Practice

There is no question that YouTube and the availability of “Do It Yourself” information online continues to have a significant impact on the legal profession. There are a lot more people nowadays who are handling their cases pro se, and this trend is likely to continue for years to come. Today, Brian Reidy joins us to talk about how attorneys can adapt to this shift in the marketplace by providing unbundled legal services. He provides examples of the types of unbundled options he offers, typical price points, as well as great advice on how to convey the value of these services to your clients. We also discuss ways to leverage technology and develop a “systems mindset” that builds a more efficient and cost-effective practice.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

What Brian learned while working for DCFS (Department of Children and Family Services), and different ways lawyers can offer unbundled services to clients who are dealing with child abuse and neglect issues
The importance of telling clients what they need to hear, and conveying to clients how important it is that they do the same with you
Brian’s perspective on the changing legal marketplace, the impact of YouTube, and the increase in the number of pro se litigants nationwide
Why the courts and legal community benefit from lawyers who provide unbundled legal services
Why Brian switched from offering a free one-hour in-person consultation, to offering a free phone consultation and charging for the initial in-office case assessment
The value of being flexible with the length of time you invest in the initial phone consultation to ensure you develop good rapport and trust with each client
How to explain what unbundled legal services are and how they work to your clients’ advantage
The typical unbundled services Brian provides, how much he charges, and how he determines when to offer them
The importance of identifying the steps involved with each type of case you handle, and then developing systems that allow you to make each step easier and simpler
How to build an efficient and cost-effective practice using technology such as electronic intake and document automation
How quoting flat rates and the proper use of technology increases your effective hourly rate
The value of being open to making investments in systems of efficiency that carry long term benefits for your practice
The importance of calling leads in real time, and how Brian trains his staff to make the calls when he is unavailable
And much more...

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For more information about Unbundled Attorney and how our Lead Generation services help grow your practice, visit: https://www.unbundledattorney.com