Episode 58: Designing the Law Firm of Your Dreams: How to “Lead" with Unbundled Services, Run a Virtual Practice from Anywhere, and Provide Affordable Access to Justice

The San Diego, CA Unbundled Attorney we interview today thought she had found her dream job working for a corporate law firm, but soon discovered it was nothing close to what she had imagined. Fortunately, she had the courage and ambition to leave that firm and build her own practice that would both support her ideal lifestyle, and make a significant difference in the lives of the clients she serves. That commitment set her on a path to design a technology-enabled, virtual practice that allows her to operate from anywhere. Imagine heading down to the beach or park, cracking open your laptop and enrolling new clients over the phone while soaking up the sun. This is the kind of location freedom that she has engineered into her practice, and you can too.

During our interview, she shares the systems and technology that make her virtual practice possible. We also discover how she enrolls 99% of her clients for unbundled legal services initially, instead of requiring full representation. This is known in our community as “leading with unbundled”, and she shares how this fundamental shift in approach has transformed her practice.

Click here watch the video version of this podcast interview on our YouTube Channel

To read a complete transcript of this interview, click here

In this episode, you’ll learn:

Her background working in a high-end corporate law firm, which she once thought would be her dream job, and why she left the firm to start her own practice
The value of engineering a practice around your ideal lifestyle, rather than settling for a lifestyle because of the demands of your practice
The importance of taking time to create a clear vision for what your ideal practice looks like, and how that vision shapes each decision you make and enables you to build the firm you truly desire from that point on
Why she decided to build a virtual law firm and the specific systems and technology she and her husband employ that enable her to run her practice from anywhere
The benefit of keeping up to date with the latest apps and technology available to lawyers, and the valuable tools that she has implemented in her practice
How she is able to enroll over 90% of her clients for unbundled legal services directly over the phone and examples of the typical unbundled services she provides
Why offering unbundled legal services is a great option for attorneys who would like to build either a partial or fully virtual law practice
How providing unbundled services as a flat fee eliminates the need to “micro-bill” your clients, improves the quality of the relationship with your clients, and can significantly increase your profitability
A detailed breakdown of the factors you need to consider when determining what flat fee to charge your clients for unbundled services
How she sells unbundling to her clients, including the three main categories of her unbundled services and how she tailors them to fit her clients’ legal needs and financial budget
The power of explaining to clients the specific ways you help them handle parts of their case on their own to save money, and why this approach can significantly increase the number of clients who retain your services
Some examples of the types of tasks she empowers clients to handle themselves, and some creative ways she helps them to reduce costs
The types of clients and cases that are not a typical fit for unbundled legal services and may require full representation
A walk-through of how she approaches the initial consultation so that 90+% of the clients that enroll do so right over the phone without having to come into the office
Why she is so passionate about providing unbundled legal services, and her commitment to giving thousands of unrepresented people in this country access to justice that they desperately need and deserve
And much more …

Resources Mentioned in This Episode

Unbundling Resource Center

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For more information about Unbundled Attorney and how our exclusive, unbundled leads can help grow your practice, visit: https://www.unbundledattorney.com