Episode 26: Deep Dive with Dave Aarons, CEO of Unbundled Attorney: How to Thrive in a Disrupted Legal Market and the Future of Unbundled Legal Services

In our previous episodes, Dave Aarons, CEO of Unbundled Attorney, interviews the guests on our show. Today, the tables are turned, and one of the previous guests from the podcast, Sou Bounlutay, interviews Dave, and gets to the bottom of what Unbundled Attorney is really all about. Dave talks about the major changes that have occurred in the legal industry over the past 30 years, and how attorneys can adapt their practice in order to grow and thrive in the new legal landscape. Dave also describes some of the underlying values of the attorneys he works with, and the unique way they relate to their clients, as well as Dave’s vision for the future of unbundled legal services.

To read the complete transcript of this interview, click here.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

The breakdown of what unbundled legal services are, and examples of the types of unbundled services attorneys can offer
The genesis story of Unbundled Attorney, and it’s founding purpose
Some of the major changes in the legal marketplace over the past 30 years, and how attorneys can adapt their practice accordingly
The importance for attorneys to shift their focus toward serving their clients’ needs first, and how this change in perspective impacts how they relate to their clients
How critical mass can transform our industry, and the major shifts that could occur in the legal marketplace when current trends reach market penetration
Some initial fears and external influences many attorneys must overcome in order to transition their firm into serving low income clients
A new perspective on the old story that success in law relates to the size of the cases attorneys acquire, with an invitation to hear a new story that is more aligned with the current legal market
The value of having a consistent stream of new leads, and how this financial security empowers attorneys to relate to their clients in a fully authentic way
The big-picture vision and mission of Unbundled Attorney and how we are seeking to impact the affordability and accessibility of legal services in North America
And much more...

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For more information about Unbundled Attorney and how our Lead Generation services help grow your practice, visit: https://www.unbundledattorney.com