Celebrating Our 50th Podcast Episode: A Review of the First 49 Episodes, Announcing Exciting Changes to Come, and Our Vision for the Long-Term Impact of Unbundled Services

As we prepare to launch our 50th podcast episode, Unbundled Attorney's CEO, Dave Aarons, takes a moment to review our show’s accomplishments during the past two years. He overviews the most popular topics from 49 previous podcast interviews. These include scaling up your practice, sales and client conversion strategies, automating and streamlining your practice with legal technology, and much more. Dave unveils new exciting updates to the podcast that will help you get to know our guests in a personal way, and connect with other lawyers in the Unbundled Attorney community. He explores the evolution of unbundled legal services during the past decade, including highlighting recent national trainings on unbundling and innovative new legal incubators that are helping to drive the expansion of unbundled services. Dave shares his vision for a new cooperative alliance of attorneys and legal professionals who will transform the accessibility of legal services in North America.

To read a complete transcript of this interview, click here

In this episode, you’ll learn:

An overview of what we have accomplished with the podcast since launching it almost 2 years ago, including total downloads and the rapid growth of our show in recent months
A breakdown of the main topics covered during the past 49 episodes, including some of the most popular episodes to date
The best episodes to listen to for scaling up your practice, sales and client conversion, legal technology, automating your practice, launching a new solo practice, and creative ways to provide unbundled services in immigration law
A chronicle of the growth of unbundled services over the past decade and a breakdown of new developments that have helped unbundled services gain higher levels of traction in the legal community over the past two years
Exciting announcements of changes and improvements coming to the podcast starting with the release of our 50th podcast episode
Why Unbundled Attorney is building a cooperative alliance of attorneys across the country committed to transforming the accessibility of legal services in North America
Why we believe the serious problem of access to justice can be solved and how this new community will play a critical role in making that goal a reality
Why unbundled legal services can be even more profitable than full representation
Why teaching lawyers how to make great money delivering unbundled services plays such an important role in promoting access to justice
The importance of sharing the stories of how clients lives are being impacted by attorneys who are providing them legal assistance they would not otherwise be able to afford
How legal incubators are training and mentoring a new era of tech-enabled lawyers delivering unbundled legal services
How to connect with Unbundled Attorney and our community of like-minded attorneys and legal professionals throughout the country
Why this is an especially great time of year to use Unbundled Attorney’s lead generation service to help acquire more clients and grow your unbundled practice
And much more…

Resources Mentioned in This Episode

Unbundled Attorney YouTube Channel
Bay Area Legal Incubator (BALI)
AFCC Chicago Training: Building a Successful Unbundled Family Law Practice

Unbundled Attorney Mastermind Podcast Episodes for Scaling Up Your Practice:

Episode 18 with Rhonda and Jayshree Naidu: Scaling Up Your Practice: How to Expand From Solo Practitioner to Small Law Firm in Under 3 Months
Episode 22 with Dave Gross: Chronicling the Journey From a New Solo Practice to a Small Law Firm: Limited Appearances, Hiring Contract Lawyers, and Scaling Up a Practice
Episode 39 with Alex Keenan: Expand Your Practice into New Regions Using Contract Lawyers and a Virtual Client Enrollment, Intake, and Management System
Episode 11 with Matthew Beach: Mastering the Consultation: The Sales Strategy that Generated $250k from Unbundled Leads in a Single Year

Unbundled Attorney Mastermind Podcast Episodes for Sales and Client Conversion:

Episode 16 with Tera Lee: Proven Sales Strategies to Convert More Leads and Eliminate No-Shows
Episode 36 with Brian Picarello: Experienced Social Worker Turned Practicing Attorney: Active Listening, Cultivating and Communicating Empathy, and Understanding the Lifetime Value of Each Client
Episode 38 with Matt Rosen: Fundamentals of Closing the Deal: Sales Strategies That Help Solidify Relationships and Retain More Clients

Unbundled Attorney Mastermind Podcast Episodes for Legal Technology:

Episode 45 with Rebecca Fuller: 21st Century Mobile Lawyering: How to Utilize Legal Technology to Build a High Volume, Streamlined, and Location Independent Practice
Episode 42 with Robert Buchanan: Automating Client Follow Up: How You Can Leverage Email Management Systems to Easily Stay in Touch with New Prospects and Clients
Episode 48 with Mark Brinkworth: Modernizing Your Law Practice: Stepping Up to the Challenge of Adapting to the Complex World of Legal Technology

Unbundled Attorney Mastermind Podcast Episodes for Launching a New Solo Practice:

Episode 46 with Lauren Kelley: Launching a New Practice Straight Out of Law School: Overcoming Fear, Streamlining Intake, and Improving Access to Justice by Eliminating the Upfront Retainer
Episode 23 with Andrew Burgess: Launching a New Solo Practice: From Law School Graduate to 65 New Paying Clients in 3 Months
Episode 14 with Zoe Garvin: Building a Law Practice from Home: Virtual Offices, Legal Tech, and Enrolling Clients Over the Phone

Unbundled Attorney Mastermind Podcast Episodes for Immigration Lawyers:

Episode 47 with Jamila Little: A New Era of Immigration Lawyering: How Embracing Technology and Affordable Pay-As-You-Go Pricing Can Significantly Increase Profits and Accessibility to Legal Services
Episode 29: Developing a Virtual Immigration Practice: Electronic Enrollments, Document Automation and Unbundled Immigration Services

If you enjoy this podcast, please head over to iTunes, subscribe to the show, and leave us a review. We love hearing from our listeners and look forward to reading your feedback!

For more information about Unbundled Attorney and how our Lead Generation services help grow your practice, visit: https://www.unbundledattorney.com