Whenever we go through a bad breakup, we wonder WHY is this happening, and what the hell do we do with this mess? Or perhaps you wonder the meaning of the breakup, but can't see it because you're in too much pain. Well, meet Anna Larimore, a client of mine who I met a year and half ago who went through a bad break up and has just launched a new podcast called Enough.

Anna took everything she learned from me and the journey of her breakup and realized she had enough, and that she was ENOUGH, and it was time to spread her message to the world. She just launched her new podcast and shares how she did it, and what inspired her to do so.

If you're wondering what you'll end up doing with your mess, take a listen to this inspiring episode so maybe one day, you'll be making your mess into your big message!

Check out Anna's podcast ---> HERE!