Today we are going to talk about the authentic self versus the adapted self and how each type affects the way in which you show up in the world.  The authentic self is your innate being, your inner knowing. It encompasses your earliest thoughts, likes and dislikes, your passions, and your capabilities. Think of your authentic self as the way you shine for all to see.  

The adapted self is the opposite. When your personality begins to develop around the age of four or five, you must learn how to thrive or survive within the family system in which you were raised. You bend, and therefore, adapt in order to survive. This is your adapted self and can dim the brightest parts of who you are and are meant to be.   

You might be surprised to hear how much you operate from your adapted self versus your authentic self. 

In this episode, I share a personal story about the development of my adapted self. I then share how later, as an adult, I began to live life from my authentic self and how when doing so, things began to align in the greatest possible way.  As you listen to my story, I invite you to look inward and ask, “What part of me adapted to be the person I am today and why?” And then ask, “How can I move into alignment with my authentic self?”  

Episode Highlights: 

When we start to depart from our authentic selves and start taking on a role that is larger than who we are; we lose a huge part of our innocence. We all have subconscious marching orders that we gain to survive and thrive in our familial household. The people and events in our lives are vibrationally matching our adapted selves versus our authentic selves. When you move further apart from who you are, you will see the effects in two main areas of your life: your romantic partnerships and your professional life. Returning to self means being one with your divine purpose and your authentic self.