In theory, boundaries sound like an easy thing, but we all struggle with honoring them. When we don’t have healthy boundaries with ourselves or with other people, we are setting ourselves up for failure in our relationships at work, with family, with siblings, and even with romantic partners. To discuss how to honor and navigate boundaries like a boss, Lindsey is joined by leading boundaries expert, Terri Cole. 

Together, Lindsey and Terri discuss how cultural upbringing influences boundaries, how ineffective boundaries can wreak havoc on relationships, and the importance of daily actions of self-love. Take a listen to see where your boundaries might be skewed and determine what actions you might be able to take in order to finally talk true, be seen, and live free. I hope you enjoy this episode.

Episode Highlights: 

Today’s boundaries epidemic and why women, specifically, struggle with boundaries so much. Terri explains high-functioning co-dependency, why it is unhealthy, and how it messes up your internal peace (and potentially the peace of others).  How to create and enforce better self-protection boundaries with friends or family members who are energy vampires. Boundary destroyers and why the normal rules of boundary engagement do not apply. It is our job to negotiate for our needs and share our preferences with the people in our lives. Effective versus ineffective boundaries, Terri’s Boundary Revolution, and stopping generational pain that ineffective boundaries cause.  

Connect with Terri through her website, on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  

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