This weeks Unbreakable Podcast is for both individuals or companies committed to growth in 2019. There is fundamentally little difference between an individual or a company regarding looking at growth in 2019. I can tell you from personal experience it is not more complicated for a company to grow. The number of people or volume of products doesn’t make growth more complicated. Individual growth is far more complicated because the complexity of ego and emotional attachments truly are harder to adjust.


So why discuss growth in 2019 now while we are still in 2018. In short because January is too late. Once 2019 hits and is underway, without preparing for new growth now in 2018, you will simply be making 2018 more effective by a factor of 10%. Oddly, that is what most organizations look to do each year … improve by 10% on last years accomplishments. If that is where you are personally or as an organization the rest of the podcast isn’t for you.


As you look at 2019, the first aspect of 2019 is a time honored process to unravel these two aspects. Having consulted with 100s of people and organizations to retool for growth, I can tell you that you have to nail these two points before you can move forward.


Foundation work for growth:

Vision Statement (7 words). Mission Statement.

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