A Measurable Life


Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF): the Design of Human Performance

 The Training Starts Now

There are Five Measurable factors in your life. We call these aspects “The Five Pyramids of Human Performance.” Our notion is that Human Performance ultimately is a measure of achieving results in the Five Pyramids of Human Performance®. To achieve these five results we find it necessary to access five “tools”: Intentionality, Emotional Mastery, Modeling Failure, Inspired Mentorship, and Disruption. Our Human performance training is a step-by-step methodology of linear progression ... there is no other way to grow. While linear progression is needed, the underlying cause of greatness in every human being anywhere is to first master the two keys to human performance:


Honoring your word Never giving up on honoring your word


Without the two keys being deeply mastered and constantly applied the climb toward a Measurable Life is doomed. We will test these two aspects of human performance upfront and teach you to master them first.



Operating at 20% efficiency and capacity is both tiresome and emotionally draining. Being out of sequence will leave you plateaued and unaware of your ultimate potential. Not pursuing your ultimate potential every day will cause you to be unhealthy, stagnant, scarce, alone, and disconnected.



Intent of overall training:

Provide direct/hands on training to produce rapid and sustainable growth if the five pyramids Provide a step-by-step methodology of both personal and business leadership growth Achieve 3 goals in Physical, 8 in Intellectual, 2 in Wealth, 6 in Relationship, and 1 in Spiritual


Adamantine Alliance Reflections and Projections


Intentionality/Focused Effort (Evolution two) Your ability to engage your five senses and use focused effort and rest as a means to achieve your goals.


Emotional Mastery (Evolution three) Your ability to use emotions for their intended design and overcome/let go of emotional attachments rapidly, will always overcome every problem you will face in order to have life! 


Failure Modeling (Evolution four) will be a ‘stepping stone’ to things currently out of reach.  Your ability to bounce back from failure will make your grow exponentially.


Inspired Mentorship (Evolution five) Once you have mastered these four tools of human performance you must learn to mentor other people so that they can achieve their life’s goals.  Mentoring is your ability to follow what inspires you and help people attain their goals.  You must always be inspired when they are not.  Most lose inspiration so they cannot mentor. Without mentoring at the leadership level the culture of your company will not be under your control 


Spartan Woman (Evolution six) We have found that both men and women require a deeper understanding of the profound power of a Spartan Woman. In this evolution you will learn the four distinctions:

                  Strength in the Face of Uncertainty

            Compromising yourself

            It cannot last without Me

            I don’t need You


Innovation and Disruption (Evolution seven) Then you must balance your own five pyramids of performance to actually create new opportunities. Innovation comes for balance not risk


Spiritual Connection (Evolution eight) In the final training you will learn how to access your Own five senses in order to be able to connect in profound ways to others 

Each of the graduates has gone through what you will go through in their own ways.  We are evolving you toward these points:

You must always have a physical goal You must always have a wealth goal You must always be learning in measurable ways You must always know exactly what your partner's goals are (if you don't then you will forever be on a plateau of discontent) Always have two people you are mentoring who inspire you, who you can spiritually connect with

Each of the graduates has achieved 2.5 times more in each pyramid of their lives by doing the training.  All the growth happens after failure, you will fail many times in the next year … embrace it now.