Billy Buck faced ANY parent’s worst nightmare.

By most people’s measure of success, Dr. Billy Buck had it all.

He had a great family, good friends, and the finances that go along with an oral surgery practice. He was living the life most of us would love to have... when his world suddenly turned completely upside down.

One morning, with no warning at all, he lost his son in a tragic accident.

His story is proof that NO ONE can protect themselves from tragedy or suffering. What makes Billy’s story so compelling is how he took that tragedy and used it to be a powerful influence for others.

In this episode, hear:

- How to handle the unexpected loss of a loved one

- How to work through grief when you didn’t get a chance to say goodbye

- Why difficulties can break you...but they can also MAKE you

- The surprising connection between grief and fear, and how conquering grief can also help you conquer fear

- Where you can find incredible hope in the midst of tragedy

Dr. Billy Buck is an expert oral surgeon in Birmingham, Alabama.

Find out more about him HERE.

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