Jeremy Freeman: Pain Doesn’t Get the Final Say

Jeremy (a pastor) and his wife, Emily, have seven children, one of whom tragically passed away at age 7. The challenges they faced following that incredible loss, along with the very near-fatal car accident suffered by an older son, Caleb, just 4 years later, have strengthened their faith in ways they couldn’t have imagined, inspiring them to encourage others who are struggling with their own uphill battles.

You’ll hear:

● How their son’s bone transplant triggered a rare form of leukemia

● What Emily told her young son, Trey, when he asked if he was going to die

● About their son Caleb’s car accident that caused a severe traumatic brain injury that less than 10% of people survive

● How Caleb’s miraculous healing started to heal Jeremy’s heart from the trauma of losing Trey

● How pain can turn into hope and peace and be used for good

**Plus, hear Jeff’s and Jeremy’s top 5 craziest questions they’ve gotten from strangers about having a lot of children (Jeremy has 7; Jeff has 5).

Watch “The Caleb Freeman Story” on YouTube HERE.

Follow the Freemans on their “Pray for Caleb” Facebook page.

Pre-order a paperback copy of Jeremy’s book: #butGod: The Power of Hope When Catastrophe Crashes In

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