Imagine being held captive behind enemy lines for 11 days in Somalia. Our guest, Mike Durant, doesn’t have to imagine it, because he lived it. A 22-years Army veteran who served 16 years with the greatest helicopter unit on earth, the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Night Stalkers), Mike flew in some of the most dangerous missions. Today, he and Jeff talk about Mike’s military career and why he chose to leave his highly successful business to run for a seat in the US Senate.

You’ll hear:

What exactly the Night Stalkers do and what makes them so elite

Mike vividly describe Black Hawk Down from his perspective

How he was able to survive being a prisoner of war, even with a broken back and leg

What drove him to run for Congress and what he stands for

About his book, In the Company of Heroes

*Plus, Mike and Jeff give their top 5 craziest things they’ve ever done in a helicopter.

Learn more about Mike HERE

Purchase his book HERE

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