David Dusek knows what it’s like to have a volatile relationship with his father AND what it’s like to try to make a blended family work. 40% of families in the United States are blended and face unique challenges. As the founder of Rough Cut Men Ministries, the author of the book The Battle, and a frequent keynote speaker for well-known men’s conferences, David works tirelessly to engage and encourage men in their important roles in family and society.

You’ll hear:

about his rocky relationship with his father

how a terrifying act of humility led to the restoration of that relationship

how his family became blended and his experience with divorce, re-marriage, and stepchildren

his secret sauce for helping blended families thrive or when a parent is gone frequently for work

all about his Who Has Your Six video series for men who have many acquaintances but few real friends

**PLUS, Jeff and David give their top five qualities to look for in a wingman, battle buddy or good friend.

Learn more about David or buy his books HERE

Watch his Who Has Your Six video series HERE