Episode 3 of UNBEATABLE introduces you to Dave Eubank, a man who runs toward danger to help others, rather than running away.

This warrior used his military training to start Free Burma Rangers, a humanitarian service movement that has helped people in some of the most dangerous conflict zones around the world. His organization operates on the front lines of some of the world's most dangerous battlegrounds.

Dave and Free Burma Rangers were featured on international news as they went to the front lines of battle in Iraq to help civilians that were caught in the crossfire with ISIS and Iraqi military forces. This spectacular news footage became the basis for the documentary, Free Burma Rangers (https://fbrmovie.com/).

Dave joined this interview from Tajikistan in Central Asia while his team attempts to provide immediate assistance to people stranded following the withdrawal of US and NATO forces from Kabul, Afghanistan.

You'll hear:

how his childhood overseas prepared him for some of the most dangerous and elite units in the US Army

why personal trials are often more painful than physical hardships

what it looks like when faith is put to the test

the fire that motivates him to make a difference every day

Dave inspires people to help others who are struggling in some of the poorest parts of the world. Find out more about why David Eubank started Free Burma Rangers here: https://www.freeburmarangers.org/.

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