Men and women who return from combat may or may not have external, physical scars, but they always carry internal scars. Donovan Chapman served for 11 years in the US Air Force, much of the time as an elite Pararescueman.

PJ’s are the most highly-trained Special Operations Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) operators in all environments, and Chapman served in some of the harshest conditions imaginable. When he completed his service, he had healed many others, but then he realized he had his own wounds to recover from.

You’ll hear:

How his Louisiana farm upbringing prepared him for a career in the military

Vivid stories of training and rescue missions

About his professional music career that took off after his military service

When he discovered he was suffering from PTSD and needed help

His “Three S’s” of advice for all servicemen and women struggling to recover

Plus, you’ll hear him sing a song dedicated to brothers who have served in Special Operations.

**AND on a lighter note, Jeff and Donovan share the top five most ridiculous pieces of medical advice they ever heard in the military.

Find out more about Donovan, his story, and his music HERE

Follow him HERE

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