What does manhood really mean? When does someone go from being a boy to being a man?

Adam French was forced to explore these questions when, as a teenager, his alcoholic father left and his mother struggled with heavy addiction. His own life spiraled out of control as he tried to find ways to cope with trauma wounds and numb the pain. Then, something happened that radically changed his life and put him on the road to recovery. Today, he speaks nationally to inspire men and counsel them toward healing.

You’ll hear:

a gut-honest description of his tumultuous teenage and early adult years

how his father, who began the cycle of destruction, was the one to trigger the healing process

how Adam works with men of all backgrounds struggling to heal from deep wounds and to find their man identity

what to do if you have things in your past you’re ashamed of and can’t seem to overcome

About Adam’s highly-praised book, MANDENTITY, which offers “experience healing from your pain without years of counseling.”

**Plus, Jeff and Adam give the top 5 responses they’ve heard from men to the question, “When do you really become a man?”

Learn more about Adam or order his book HERE

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