Ken Bevel is a US Marine Corps veteran who, with no acting experience, suddenly found himself with major roles in movies that have reached millions of people. He has starred in both Fireproof and Courageous by Sherwood Pictures, and the impact of those films has transformed marriages and parents everywhere. 

Ken joined the US Marine Corps at age 17 to escape life on the streets. He got into trouble early on, and then something happened that dramatically changed his life and military career. Today, after retiring as a Captain in 2011, he uses his skills at Sherwood Baptist Church, giving hope to people in the worst parts of town.

You’ll hear:

How his early family life started well but then spiraled out of controlWhy he joined the Marines and what finally turned his life around when he got court-martialed How he unexpectedly acted in movies and how terrifying it was like to be on a movie set for the first time How Fireproof and Courageous transformed his own marriage and fatherhoodHis advice for anyone who says, “I’ve made a mess of my life, and I don’t know what to do next”

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Learn more about Fireproof and Courageous 

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