For the 4th piece in this mini-series of stories I WISH would have made into the book or movie, Black Hawk Down, I was honored to sit down with Dan Jollota, a highly accomplished Army Aviator who served for 40 years, retiring as a Chief Warrant Officer 5 (something very few Americans have achieved). In his career, he was assigned to several Special Operations aviation units, and his skill, commitment, and courage in Somalia in 1993 was instrumental in saving many lives.

You’ll hear:

About his incredible career, which includes over 6,000 skydiving jumps and over 10,000 flight hours

Why I believe Night Stalker pilots are the greatest helicopter pilots on the planet

Why there’s such a tight bond and dedication between pilots and ground forces, especially in combat

2 inspiring stories of ‘staying in the fight’ in Somalia that are the most courageous acts from the air in combat I’ve ever seen

Regrets and lessons from Operation Gothic Serpent that we carried with us into later operations and our lives

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