Next Episode: "2020, Bitch!"

"Join us as Ginny and AJ navigate new terrain, as they discuss everything SEX. This is the first of many conversations, they pair plan to have in regards to discussing a topic that has been greatly stigmatised and evaded within many Indigenous spaces as a mixture of cultural protocols and colonisation.

We also have a yarn with the amazing Anthea Balfour. Anthea Balfour is proud Khoisan Woman, Indigenous to South Africa, and has called Australia home for the past ten years. Anthea is Somatic Psychotherapist, Cultural Ambassador for the Mental Health Foundation Australia; and Managing Director at the QueenMode Collective. Educating internationally on relationships, sexual & emotional wellbeing & leadership, Anthea takes some time to answer Ginny and Aj's burning questions around exploitation and sexual liberation!

This conversation is a reflection of the growth of both Ginny and AJ, as they discover their identities as strong Blak women in contemporary society."

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