How satisfied are you really with 2022?


Was this year as you imagined?

Was it better or it didn’t meet your intentions?

It is so important to be intentional with how we are living our lives and to ask ourselves…


Did I live?
Did I love? 

Did I let others see their impact?


You get to own your impact. 


You get to own your truth. 


You get to own taking up the space. 


And you also get to create the space to GO and to FLOW. 


Many women who come to me feel overwhelmed, frustrated and far from joy and satisfaction. 


It is because they don’t remember their purpose. 


When you really connect to your core, to your truth, to who you truly are, your purpose will be like a beautiful North Star guiding you gently through your life. 


It is in the moments when you are pushing, rushing, forcing yourself and your growth that you don’t create space for you to flow. That’s when you burn out, disconnect from your purpose and stagnate. 


In those moments you might feel like you need a pause. 

Like you need to slow down and disconnect from the world. 


Yet these are the times you get to reconnect and remember your purpose. 


To honor sacred pauses created in each moment, day, week, month. 


Then you don’t need to stop doing all that is working, all that you are doing because you remember why you came here and the sacred pauses are created from a place of love not a place of fear and luck.


I create sacred pauses by:
Taking a bath 

Taking shower

Going for a walk

Practicing breathwork 

Practicing inner dance


Talking to my loved ones

Receiving pleasure 


I create conscious sacred pauses so I don’t have to feel overwhelmed and frustrated and I come to the end of the year feeling satisfied and fulfilled. 


How do you reconnect to your purpose?