Are you fully embracing the duality we came here to experience in the 3D?

The dark and the light

The masculine and the feminine energetics

The perceived good and bad


Part of it is also the Being and Doing duality we are sometimes fighting. 


We feel overwhelmed by doing so many things, we burn out and need to rest so we are overemphasizing the BEing part. 


There is even that saying I used to use so often in the past:

We are not human doings, we are human beings. 


Yet then I realized…

We didn’t come here just to be!


We came here to create and live in alignment with our purpose. 


We get to learn how to dance with doing and being.


When we are too much in one or the other we are feeling off. 


Because these two walk together.


They become one when we are aligned. 


When you’re fully in alignment with your sacred doing, you’re being. 


The dancer becomes the dance, the singer becomes the song, the writer becomes the words. 


When you’re doing what you came here to do you step into an empowered state of being. 


Where do you feel you are more in right now?

In your doing or being?


How can you invite a little bit more of the other one and have them dance and co-create together?