Are you listening to the whispers of the universe and your soul?

Or are you too busy to be listening to everyone else around you and what others are doing?

Years ago I proclaimed when I hosted first live event in Las Vegas Meant for More that I want to just show up and serve.


Not putting events together.

Not doing big gatherings.

Not investing my energy into managing details.


Along the journey since then I have realized I love working 1:1.

I love to really know my clients.


I love being there to nurture them and to give them tough love when needed.


I love the intimacy of 1:1 and very small containers.


I love being invested in my clients and their holistic abundance in life and biz.


And when I try to listen to others to “change it up” it doesn’t work.

People don’t show up last minute on an event I put together.

Don’t sign up for quick offer I put on because it sounds like logical offer.


Universe is clearly talking to me and telling me to stay true to what I love, to what makes me alive, to what moves my body.

If you could right now hear the whispers of the Universe, what would it be telling you now?