Dreaming is beautiful, isn’t it?

Yet it can also be deceiving if we set expectations that are making us doubt ourselves. 


Like entrepreneurship…


When you start with your own biz you can get the boost of confidence, freedom and abundance that you have maybe never experienced before. 


And that can make you think that from this moment on it will be all smooth and easy and upward going. 


The reality  (and I am not here to burst your bubble my love…) is that there will be times, maybe times, when you are not upward going, days and weeks and months that sales are not going as projected, clients are not following through or you have several containers ending at the same time. 


These times are here to expand you, to show you that entrepreneurship is one of the biggest schools of life and that there might be some limiting beliefs you get to work through. 


So instead of doubting yourself and your gifts, work on working on yourself deeper. 


Go back to the basics and work through your limiting beliefs. 


Where are you not feeling safe?
What was out of the ordinary when you were succeeding?

Who did you become in the process that didn’t align with your highest truth?

What do you get to start believing in order to normalize ease, peace and success? 

What would have to happen in order for you to feel supported and well-equipped to handle even more? 


These are some of the questions you get to look at to go deeper my love. 


Entrepreneurship isn't a straight line. 


And yes, there can be quantum leaps, like making a few hundred dollars a month to multiple five-figure months in just a couple of months that some of my clients experienced. 


Yet, without bursting your bubble, if you are feeling low right now, just remember it is happening for you and it is preparing you for even bigger success than you could ever imagine. 


How do you feel about entrepreneurship?