Have you experienced the magic of YES?


(Not to just anything. To the *right* things.)


If you're anything like me you've been a people pleaser in the past, doing everything for everyone else.


You say yes so you can belong and feel like you matter.


Sometimes we say yes to things, but end up misaligned or taking on too much and feel frustrated and burnt out.


It's time to realize what's a HEAVEN YES for you and what's a HECK NO!


When you say yes to something, you say no to something else.


(Don't get me started on quantum realities in this convo, let's keep it grounded in the 3D for now lol)


What desires, dreams and visions are you saying no to by being careless with your yes?


Think about the YES that's coming from the depths of your soul


It guides you like the breadcrumbs for your soul's highest purpose here.


Instead of staying yes to things that you "should"...


(Relationships, jobs, going out with friends, doing extra work)


Start to give your YES to the things that really matter


Work with a coach with who you align with

Buying a book

Take a break from 24/7 caretaking for your family and be alone or recharge

Get a massage

Start your podcast

Change your wardrobe


When you say yes, even if it's scary, it's going to lead to you feeling more alive and abundant.


My clients are oftentimes scared to invest in me, go to the event, start their podcast, up their podcast, etc.


How can you alchemize this feeling of "scared"?


One of my clients was really scared to work with me. After choosing herself and putting in the work, she made multiple five figures in her first launch.


Another client came to me saying, "I'm supposed to pay you in 5 days, and I don't have the money."


I said “Really? So you're closing off from any and all abundance from God/the universe for the next 5 days?”


She remembered her commitment to herself that coaching is a "non-negotiable" and she confronted this fear.


From being in the red, financially struggling, to making the investment and attracting a client and continued growing. 


Now? She makes multiple 5-figures each month.


What are you giving your YES to my love? Let me know over on IG @PetiaKolibov.