I knew deep inside I am meant for more than just getting by and living for the weekends when I was growing up in a small town back in the Czech Republic. 

Yet I had no idea what that was.

So I kept looking everywhere around me (literally lived in 6 different countries) and now looking back I can see so much more clearly what mistakes I have made that were making my vision and desires for abundance blurry. 

Giving my power away (comparing myself, not trusting my abilities, and doing what others did) 
Not prioritizing my energy (thinking strategy and techniques are IT) 
Letting others tell me what to do VS trusting my internal GPS (intuition is key) 
Condemning what I wanted in others (thinking that wealth is only for few and they got wealthy in unfair ways) 
Trying to do it alone because of my ego and pride 

When I realized these, aka awareness is key, I was able to alchemize these and create my own truth that was empowering for me from within. 

That’s what made me magnetic and helps me through days when I feel icky. 

How can you take inventory of your results and see where you can shift?

Ps. Wanna see where you might be blocking yourself? Book your free Abundance Activation call to see where might be your blind spots and how to bring in the overflow of abundance into your life too.