Are you unconsciously still reliving your past?


So often we are living in our past as we keep repeating the same patterns and choices. 


Imagine if I asked you what ice cream do you want?


Chocolate or vanilla?


What would you say?


You would probably pick your fav and answer my question:




With something from the past.


Like - 

Because I like it.

Because it’s my favorite.

Because there are no other better options.




All these are all based on your past.


Not in the power of the present moment.


Not in the power of knowing that that’s what you’re choosing.


Next time you’re asked something just say:

Because I choose to.


That’s where you’re grounded in the present moment and that is the most powerful place to be.


From the present moment, we are co-creating a new future.

Not a future that will be repeating the past.


So, my love, what are you choosing at this moment?


Declare it in the comments I will declare mine there too 🤍