Expect the unexpected…


Were the words of my instructor when I was getting my driving license over 20 years ago 

 (where did the time go? Lol) 



And today I realized that it’s still true…


When I look back on my life I used to try to be organized, in control and plan for anything that could come.



And that in my life and business created tension and mistrust.



Mistrust in me as I humanly can’t control everyone and everything…



Mistrust in the Universe, that there is a higher power guiding me and supporting me….


So today I’m back to basics…



Trust, surrender and release….



Because you can’t predict how exactly others will think, behave, you can’t predict tragedies and what it does to you and relationships in your life, you can’t predict exactly what is going to be happening in your life and biz. 



And while strategies and planning are great!



I also invite you to slow down, soften and ask yourself, where can I let go of the control and expect the unexpected?