Are you feeling stressed these days?


It can be so easy to feel stressed on a daily basis and not even realize that we are doing it, isn’t it?


All the information flowing around us, all the daily demands and plus our own “shoulds” keep us so busy that we just tune out how we are really feeling. 


And so in attempts to stop stressing we just start to control all we think we can control. We start to micro-manage the Universe and think that if we can just control a little bit more we will feel safer and life will be easier.
Yet the opposite is true. 


By micro-managing, we just let go of our own intuition and trust in a power bigger than us that really has our back. 


We are surrounded by signs that we are ignoring and are blind to. 


To start shifting this you get to be noticing the signs around you. The things that are working in your favor. 

Instead of dwelling on what doesn’t go according to your plan, admit that there is a bigger plan and that you are guided to that. 


Last week I went to the DMV to renew my expired driving license and waited for two hours early (very early!) in the morning in the line just to be told they are taking only twenty people that day. 


The first wave of frustration came over me…


And then I choose to see it as a sign. As a sign that I am guided and that next time I come it will be even better and smoother for me and that the person who is meant to help me isn’t working Fridays so that’s why I didn’t get in today. 


Monday comes, me three hours earlier before the DMV opens. I am ready..ready and trusting…

And guess what?


The person who helped me with my license and my husband who was running late to register our new car was so kind and helpful that it went all smooth. And she only works the first three days of the week.


You can choose my love. 


You can choose frustration, anger, disappointment, or bitterness. 


Or you can choose to see it all as a sign and that it’s all happening in your favor. 


When was the last time you noticed the signs and trusted that the Universe has your back?


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