How many times you came from a shopping spree back home and felt even more empty and unhappy than when you began?

Been there, girl.

The trips to do my shopping therapy were several times a week. 


And the thing is that the feeling of aliveness, satisfaction, and validation I was looking for didn’t come. 


Along my journey, I got to learn the difference between spending my money mindlessly and investing my money mindfully. 


Money isn’t a thing to be spent.

Money is an energetical being that wants to be respected, appreciated, and cared for. 


When I started to ask myself questions that grounded me in the present moment, I was able to BE present with money vs just keep buying presents on presents. 


Questions I asked myself before I swiped the card or press the BUY button were:

Will this make me fulfilled long term?

Will I be excited about this purchase tomorrow or in a week?

I am just looking for a quick fix?

Is this a heck yes in my body?


When you check in with your intuition YOU know the answers.

I started to invest in things that are aligned with my long term vision (and yesssss it does include cute dresses and shoes lol). 


I invested in new 1:1 mentor, in hiring new team members who are experts in their industry, invested in new clothes that are a heck YES for me and my soul with who am I being, I invested in further education - like neurolinguistical programming and human design courses.

All these things are a heck yes in my body and some of them might be scary (mentorship and new team members I want to generously take care of) yet it feels aligned with me and my long term vision. 

So, I wonder, love, where do you normally spend your money mindlessly?
And how would it feel like to start investing and attracting even more abundance in your life to invest even more?

Ps: Have you join my free private FB group yet? It’s only high vibe ladies who are supporting each other thrive in life.

Excited to see you there!