Are you all wrapped up in the comparison game?


It is so easy to look around and see others doing better, having more, and living in more freedom, abundance, etc than we are. 


What we get to remember is that we get to see others as inspiration vs competition. 


Because no matter what level of your life or biz you are, I can guarantee you there is someone who is doing better. 


In the past, I was wrapped up asking myself, why her, why not me? What am I missing?

Yet I started to focus on YAY for her, as that means that there is a possibility for me too. 


I learned to celebrate those who I look up to and those I am coaching and mentoring. 


As we get to remember that our wins can look so different than we thought or planned yet it was exactly what we needed. 


So, I am taking a moment to celebrate my past, current and future mentors right now.

Thank you for your love, guidance, nurturing, patience, wisdom, contacts and for believing me when I didn’t. 


I am also taking a moment to celebrate my clients. 


Thank you for your commitment to growth, for trusting me when it feels like everything's falling apart while it all actually is falling together, for serving a greater vision, for allowing me to walk in my purpose, for being loving, loyal and generous. 


I wouldn’t be who I am without you. 


Who are you celebrating today?