Can we agree that the times we are living in are extraordinary?

That what is happening in the world is so unbelievable for so many of us?

I see daily fears and doubts on people’s faces, I see family and friends being divided physically and in opinions. 


I feel the pain of not knowing and saying yes to do things that don’t feel right to our bodies from a place of fear and pressure. 


Many women are now messaging me on my Instagram (* if you want to connect deeper too) sharing with me that they have no one to talk to, to share how they are feeling and that they are feeling alone. 


This is the time we get to come together my love. Times that instead of blame and fear we hear each other and slow down to understand. 


The things I have been sharing with my clients to stay sane and to protect their energy are the following ones:

1. Go back to nature:
Grounding, Earthing, slowing down and being fully present in nature is so healing.
Also using natural crystals - like selenite to cleanse your own aura and energy is helpful. 


2. Meditation shower:
Visualize and imagine you are washing off the heaviness and negative energy 

White light washing over you.


3. Spiritual Bath:
Black tourmaline

Honey (fresh and local is best) 

Pink Salt 

Rosewater or petals 

Black tourmaline 

Whole basil leaves (easier to remove from the tub)


I know you might feel confused and wondering what will happen. And trust me, you are not alone. 


Listening to my gut and intuition I knew I had to create a safe space for women to speak up and to raise our vibration as a collective. 


I am holding a free mastermind online on Zoom on Wednesday, August 25th at 5 pm PST.
It will be recorded so you will have access to it even if you can come live, just make sure to register below:


P.S.  Reviews are like a virtual hug and you know I  LOVE hugs! It would mean the world to me if you could please write me an honest review so more women can find this show 

Thank you so much for your love and support!!


The link to review is below: