What do you do when you are feeling emotionally low energy?

Do you dwell on what’s not working or you give yourself the permission to feel your feelings and also see what could you see as a gift in that situation?

My birthday was not as I planned.

I was supposed to be surrounded by dozens of women for my annual live event Meant for More. 

I was supposed to be getting ready for my trip to see my family in Europe.
I was supposed to be planning a women's weekend retreat in Las Vegas. 


Yet, I’m sitting on the front porch of a cabin in Northern California and even though I see all the beauty around it isn’t getting under my skin as it normally does. 


I felt sadness, I felt disappointment and hopelessness. 


And I allowed myself to feel it so it can pass through me instead of staying within me. 


I allowed myself to share how I am feeling with my love and with my grandma too. 


My grandma shared with me that she feels like the Universe is testing us.
Testing us and giving us obstacles so we fight. 


When I heard that, it didn’t feel right in my body. 


So I invited myself and my grandma to a new idea. 


What if the Universe, Source, God isn’t testing us?

What if it is giving us all we need for the next step so we can be where we are meant to be. 


And as with anything in life and business you get to ask yourself what is the gift in this?
What can happen because the things didn’t happen as I planned but it might be according to some bigger plan?


I want to invite you to do the same.
Look around and ask yourself, what is possible for me now in my life because the things get to be different. 


We get to turn around the obstacles and do the best. 


Because if not, what’s the alternative?

Suffer and live in an expectations hangover?


Ps. Remember, my birthday gift to you is my Unapologetically Worthy mini-course that is the missing piece of the puzzle for you to live in abundance and inner peace. 

It’s time to own it love, you so deserve it! 


Get yours here: bit.ly/UnapologeticallyWorthy