Today as I was wearing my new pants that I have manifested in yoga raffle I knew I tear down another of my walls.

Not literally, but emotionally.

See, in the past I would never wear pants that are bright colors or light because I thought that light colors will make me look even thicker. 


And today, when I shared with my love the breakthrough that these bright yellow/orange/pink pants became now my favorites, he asked why wouldn’t I wear colors in the past.

While I was sharing my thoughts on light colors and optically looking thicker he asked me a magical question:
Who told you that??

What a question?!!!


So often we own other peoples’ stories, beliefs, as our own and we don’t even ask ourselves when did we started to believe this story.

We don’t look back to check if it’s still true for us.

Ask yourself what are the stories that you used to believe about yourself, life and values, and check if it’s still true?

If not, ask yourself:
What’s my new truth now?

Because my new truth is that:
It doesn’t matter what we wear but HOW we are wearing it and how it makes us feel.

What are some of your old stories you are now ready to rewrite?

Ps. My heart was so overflowing in Bali that I wanted to bring that healing back to you here.
I am hosting women’s weekend in Las Vegas where we will be embarking on a journey of creating the best decade ever.

We have only 3 spots available so make sure to reserve your spot for January 17th here: 

Send me DM on my instagram @petiakolibova, an email to [email protected] to set a free call to apply to see if you are the right fit for this transformational weekend.