A few years ago, I learned about the ritual around the end of the year to choose your word for the next year. 

And as I didn’t like to be just following the main stream I chose two lol 

Trust and Surrender. 

That year was a year that I had many breakthroughs, challenges, and growth. 

That year I really learned that when we release the need to be perfect, do perfect and let go of control we can breathe, and when we can breathe we can see more clearly what else is possible for us. 

The word surrender found its way back to me (not like it ever left me) in an even more powerful way. 

Just yesterday (as I am typing this, I am 38 weeks pregnant yet while you are listening our baby girl is already here) I had a major freak out. 

My body is more and more preparing for birth and is sending me signs. 
Some of that I haven’t heard of in all the books I  have read about pregnancy and it freaked me out. 

Am I ready? What if she comes tomorrow? Will I ever feel a complete sense of peace about giving birth to our first child? 

And when I texted this to our dear midwife, she said:
 Sometimes all you get to do is to surrender...

So here it is again, my invitation to trust and surrender and let go of control. 

Where in your life, business, and relationships can you release the control and let go?